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Sleep Better is fully integrated with Apple Health! This means you can upload your sleep data to Apple Health optional and benefit from easier registration with Apple Health data. All your Zzz data will now be stored within your Runtastic account. Therefore, you can change devices or get a new iPhone and not lose any sleep.

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You can now take your tracked daily activities from the Me app and see how it impacts your sleep. Perhaps a little more movement each day can help you catch more quality sleep. Start tracking and find out. Download this simple, yet functional, sleep recorder and smart alarm today and start your tracking tonight!

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Sleep-related insights and further information on hour tracking with Runtastic are also covered on our Fitness Channel on YouTube and throughout our social media channels. Sleep Better with Runtastic: Track the phases of your sleep cycles and wake up at the right time. For instance, how do they calculate my sleep efficiency? Overall, a great app, and I highly recommend it. Im not, necessarily sleeping longer yet, but after just 3 days I am resting more soundly which helps me get my day off to a better start.

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This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. Description Does your daily workout or evening glass of wine impact your sleep? The bug has been found and fixed, so you can sleep easy again.

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Love the Runtastic Sleep Better app? Got a question for us? We've got an answer at help. We've made a couple of improvements to make sure the app is fully functioning for you.

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