Cheating spouse accuses you

My Husband Accused Me of Cheating – What Should I Do?

I haven't started telling my current gf what she wants to hear but it makes me wonder if there's something I'm doing that's making me come off as unbelievable. In both relationships they have been hurt in the past and haven't gotten over it. I think that people who have been hurt by someone in the past don't want a repeat and so they seek out ways to guard their hearts because they're scared of getting hurt again. So they read some check list on how to spot a liar or top 10 signs he's cheating or how to read body language and suddenly they're an expert. And it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

They convince themselves they're right regardless of any evidence to the contrary and become the unsinkable rubber duck. I was also fasley accused of theft several times by now ex boyfriend he was verbally and emotionally abusive to me while i was living with him.

How Do You Respond When You're Misperceived?

"Guilt transference" is a ploy commonly used by cheaters. If your spouse is unfairly accusing you of cheating, she might be hiding something. For example, if your significant other is all of the sudden accusing you of sneaking around or being untrustworthy, it is probably because they.

I walked out after he made threats against me and his daughter he had a daughter from a previous relationship and he threatened her down the phone saying he was going to throw her out the window he also threatened and bullied friends and neighbours he had a drink problem which caused him to behave in such a way. While he was at work he called me to say sorry for the abuse and hurt he caused me but i told him it was too late and that i was leaving him i left him in aug and it was the best thing i did.

No one needs to put up with that abuse. Things will never get better if your in a abusive relationship there is help out there leave if you can. So what do we do when it's our own parents that do this? This hits home but how do I reassure my own parents that I am not their enemy? That it's not black and white and just because I make a mistake it doesn't mean I intentionally did it to hurt them. How do I defend myself without getting yelled and scorned and blamed? They don't listen to anything I say. I'm 19 for crying out loud and they still pull this on me I understand the pain of being falsely accused by a loved one, but I have also been falsely accused by someone in public.

A complete stranger who accused me of lying and then he proceeded to create a scene. I felt attacked, and then betrayed by the people sitting around me who had very likely witnessed my innocence but did not support me. I know I can't expect anyone to do anything but surely a decent human being would support what is right? I am from India, and indian women are stressed out to the hilt that they want to run away to hills I have given my blood and labour to his family not just himself, to his mother, brother, and his borthers wife too.

But just because my husband accuses me of not caring for the family the others follow suit. I am a resilient person, and have lived with all such false accusations. I am now 46, and do not have so much mental strength to take all flak coming. And most of the times, he acuses irrelevantly Recently, he has been taking multiple loans and was asking me to sign up for a final one on a property owned by me.

Accused of Cheating and You're Not?

When i just asked him simple question, can u please justify this loan - he accused me of things like - "you are a person who wants to own people by giving bucks too", " you want to control everything and thats why you can never have peace" ,"you dont want to be happy and can never keep others happy". Do you feel secure enough to embrace your insecurities? Back Find a Therapist. New Evidence of the Value of Music Therapy.

A Male Perspective on Pornography. Friend me on Faceook. Have You Been Falsely Accused? That hits this topic dead on. I thought the same thing Submitted by Justin on April 10, - 6: I thought the same thing. Submitted by Justin on April 10, - 5: I think that people who have Submitted by Justin on April 10, - 6: Falsely accused of theft by now ex boyfriend Submitted by Lisa on May 28, - 9: Parents Submitted by Cherry on July 22, - Jan7 Day one of no contact.

I was out last night at my sisters. I ignored his text messages the entire time I was at my sisters. After getting home I read the first text he sent. So it went on for about an hour texting back and forth. Then he starts calling. I could not see him. I simply told him that I though he said he was never going to call me again.

The nerve of this guy to blame me for this crap. He plays games, lies, manipulates, and it makes me sick. He has physically abused me on more than occasion. He broke my left wrist last year in February. It has just recently healed to a point where I can use it without pain. So much more about my misery but i want to focus and make it to day two.

Thank you thank you. You can do this. No Contact is really the only way to reclaim your life. He will probably try everything from anger to love bombing to get you wiggling on his hook. If it takes tries to get you to respond, next time he will keep on for tries. He only cares about making you dance to his tune and he will say or do anything to lure you back in. My abused was a politician. I thought everyone loved him. Then his term ended and employees who were previously afraid that he would retaliate came forward. Your story is mine. Him denying anything and doing crazy making behaviors and me denying that my intuition was worth valuing.

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Fever Peach — welcome to Lovefraud. I am so sorry for your experience. I hope the stories on Lovefraud help you understand and recover from the experience. I was routinely accused of cheating on Fran, and never did except once out of anger for her abuse. I belonged to a religious order and spent every Dec.

She accused me of going there so I could go to town and have affairs. When I left for the month I heard from a concerned neighbor that she was bringing in to our apt. Sadly this was true. I confronted her about it and she of course denied such a thing would happen. I was in AA and a woman was chasing me for sex. Once and a while this would happen but I always declined. Not this time, I did and did not find it justifiable at all. I never told her as this would be sheer disaster. This female could be really cruel. I learned quite alot since she died.

Knowladge certainly is power. Dennis Not only do I hear you, but I feel you. My SP had a six month fling the one I am sure of and most likely a bunch of flings and he never used a condom. Ever since then I have a difficult time having sex with him. It makes me sick. He continues to say that what we have is between us and he could never do it with anyone else. I have a doctor appointment next week. I told him if i have any disease he will be responsible for it.

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He tells me that I am the one who would give him something if anything. I wish you the best in your venture for a lifetime partner. I am struggling getting out of this crazy so called relationship. Wishing you wellness and peace. By the way Dennis. I just uncovered his hidden profile on some website called Cheeky Dates. I could not believe his photos. He actually exposed his private part.

When confronted he said he did it on accident. Then he said he did it to get back at me. Then he said he never responded to the messages sent by them women. Thanks for your concern. Healing from this whole thing and learning as much about spaths as I can as this was the second marriage and the first was similiar, I must be a target for them. I can tell you one thing she left me, a real problem with trusting someone else.

Day 2 No Contact Thank you all for your most welcomed input. This is not my first time looking into the solution to my problem. I was actually paying his phone bill when we first hooked up. However, after the fourth or fifth month I dropped it off my bill. I am a giving person, I have no problem dishing out my money. Twitter, phone calls with apps that hide numbers. Being the detective I am i called each number. And yes, i let it go. My two previous relationships were based on equality.

I would never tolerate such behavior. To this day the cheating pig denies that those numbers were his. He accuses me staying those calls are mine. He claims I know how to channel them through his phone line. Wow I must a top notch high tech expert if I can do that! I have lost who I am. During the past six months I have been stuck.

Today I feel a sense of relief and freedom. My sis and I did some shopping this evening and had some good laughs. I trust most people from the start until they give me no reason to trust. I have known for a long time he is a liar and he lacks integrity. His charm and wit had a hold on me. That allowed me to overlook his flaws. When I caught him with another woman I forgave him. What the hell was wrong with me? I have a lot of single male friends that I socialize thru social media.

I recently posted my single status. I have been asked out by at least three of my male friends. Keep in mind these men are people I have either went to high school with or just old friends from the neighborhood. I am not ready to date. However I do have faith in a power greater than me that I choose to call God. I am sure I will have other issues to deal with. Right now as i sit here i keep looking out my window. It frightens me that he has made no attempt as far as I am aware of to contact me. But then again, I can guarantee he is with another woman bless her soul doing his fake ass romance number on her.

Not my problem but then again I feel responsible for this evil bastard. And it angers me that this creep used me by manipulation. It appears to me also that spaths screw up your ability to have another relationship.

My spath had the same patterns yours did, always making me the bad guy. With me no contact is easy of course. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. Take time for yourself, it is not as bad as our society makes it out to be. It is a necessary thing for our own personal well-being, to heal the wounds we suffer at the hands of a SP.

Eventually you will stop thinking about where he is and what he is doing.

  1. If you’re constantly accused of cheating, your partner may be the unfaithful one: Ellie.
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  5. Accused of Cheating and You're Not? - Kim Leatherdale.
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  7. Telltale Signs of Cheaters.

Keep up with the No Contact! You can do it! Although we were not married, we cohabited along with our respective children from previous marriages together in a property we both had title to, and for which I own free and clear thankfully to a court decision in my favor. Hi I just wanted to share my story.

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I hope someone still updates this thread. Three months into the relationship she started accusing me of cheating on her. I have never cheated on her to this day but still routinely get accused of it. Her x husband cheated on her most of their marriage. Now I think she thinks I am him.?? The only thing I do that might make her suspicious is that I am a people watcher. I try not to look at anyone when im with her but thats impossible.

We have been together for 2 years and are about to be married next month but now im starting to wonder if thats a good idea. The more I read about this the more im wondering if I should cut and run… Please help! Are there other problems or red flags besides her extreme insecurity? Do you think she is trying to control you, cause you stress, or create an argument, when she accuses you of cheating? Do you feel like she is genuinely worried you are cheating or that you will cheat, and accusing you is her way of expressing her insecurities?

You might consider taking inventory of all aspects of the relationship, maybe make a pro and con list. It could be that her accusations are a red flag of a disordered person. It could also be that she is extremely insecure and paranoid because the dishonest behavior of her x husband adversely affected her thinking. If so, a good counselor could help her learn to communicate her anxiety in a non accusing more positive way and help her overcome her anxieties.

If she is disordered no amount of counseling and nothing you can do will help. When psychopath accused me of cheating with deceased former colleague, I was upset, tried to defend myself, etc. It worked for spath as it took the focus off the issue I brought up which was the argument, abuse and bullying he created the day before which forced me out of the my house. I now recognize that Spath had probably spent the night cheating himself or at least doing child porn on the internet.

Classic sociopathic control strategy: Accusing you of cheating shares. Donna Andersen , Hooked by a sociopath. How do you break free mentally from your cult leader bf? You are to be congratulated for figuring him out. Now you have to do what you have to do! All the best- Joyce. I have read that sociopaths will endless affairs and are sex addicts. Dennis justifyable at all. Congratulations on making it to day 2! Recent Blog Comments With a sociopath, the only way to "win" is not to play 5 FleeingDeer Thank you so much for posting your story! It is the 1 year anniversary of