How to catch a cheating lying husband

Private detective reveals the tech tips to help women catch their cheating love rat husband

Watch whether his cell phone is always turned off when with you or whether he takes unusually long to phone you back. Note the times, dates and length of any suspicious calls. Please check the laws in your city or state to make sure it is legal to record someone in your car if they are borrowing it. GPS tracking devices are now made the size of a pack of chewing gum so they are easy to hide. Does he use the computer late at night or for an unusual amount of time? Cheating husbands frequently utilize free email services such as hotmail, msn, yahoo, gmail, hushmail, etc… Check his internet web browser history for warning signs.

If you suspect your husband is cheating, you can install a keystroke logger which will log every keystroke your husband types, including his passwords. There are many good ones currently for sale. A sign of a cheating husband could be if he is frequenting any dating sites, create a fake profile on-line of someone you think your husband would be attracted to and then start flirting.

Many wives have successfully used this technique. Set bosom y traps in your house.

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If you think your cheating husband may be bringing someone into your home while you are traveling or out, set some traps. Put on a clean set of sheets and then place a crumb on the bedspread. Then check to see if the crumb is still in the same place after your return. Sign up a willing acquaintance or girlfriend to hit on your husband at a pre-determined location to see if he will bite. It is helpful if she carries a tape recorder in her purse so you may hear him. Watch for increase in gas receipts and monitor the car's odometer to see if there are extra unexplained miles on the car.

Monitor the time he leaves for work and the time he comes home. In fact, there are so many telltale lists of infidelity cues that it is hard to know what to believe see signs of cheating. Providing a list of the signs of cheating is often counterproductive. First, any given behavior is open to multiple interpretations. Could it be due to some other reason? For instance, does your spouse clear his or her call log after each call?

Dwelling on such matters tends to make people more suspicious. The way people generally handle their suspicion ends up helping a cheating spouse.

So, how can you catch a cheating spouse?

Take a long nap under your bed at lunch or in the evening or place a long recording digital tape recorder which is voice activated under the bed. The two of them meet in the parking lot, hop into one car, head for "their room" at the Motel 9 for a half hour, and are back in time for shopping. Please check the laws in your city or state to make sure it is legal to record someone in your car if they are borrowing it. Did hubby say he's gone to visit a work colleague - find out that 'friend's" details and you can find out if he's telling the truth. First, any given behavior is open to multiple interpretations.

Suspicious individuals tend to signal their doubts by making accusations, acting anxiously, being overly inquisitive, and so on. So, cheating spouses constantly monitor their partners for signs of suspicion. Simply speaking, suspicion tends to help cheaters cheat more effectively.

When you put it all together, cheaters have the advantage: While it is helpful to talk to partners about most relationship problems, this is NOT the case when it comes to infidelity. If you're worrying that your honey is up to something funny, and you want to find out, here are some approaches that might just help confirm your suspicions.

But before you rush headlong into this process, spend a few days thinking about what you are likely to do if or when your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. Are you so committed to your partner that you would never bring an end to the relationship, whatever the outcome of your sleuthing? If so, then it may be better to turn a blind eye to their indiscretions and spare yourself the pain of knowing the sordid details.

Is believing that your spouse is cheating on you in the first place an indication that there is something fundamentally wrong with your relationship, and you simply want an excuse to end it?

Monitoring a Spouse:

In which case, it is on the rocks already, and it may be more productive devoting your energies to rescuing it or just getting out altogether. Some of the suggestions for "spying" on your spouse may be illegal in your jurisdiction. Know the law before proceeding. Featured Articles Cheating Spouses.

And if you do decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad. Let your fingers do the walking. The phone is a common thread in all our lives, and it's only becoming more so as time goes on. So it is a pretty sure bet that their Affair d'amour is happening over the wires as well as—well, you can imagine. Perform some phone sleuthing, if you have a good old-fashioned land line.

How does this work?

Information and advice on how to catch a cheating spouse. No one really wants to think that a spouse may be lying, especially when it comes to infidelity ( see. Resources and advice for catching a cheating spouse. If you're dealing with a lying and/or cheating spouse, some type of surveillance is almost always.

Phone sleuthing is easy. Unscrew and remove the mouthpiece ahead of time so that your sotto voce epithets will not give your sleuthing away. Don't be too gentle: If you have a smart phone or a feature phone with a recorder, set the earpiece of the headset next to the microphone, and record the lovey-dovey ramblings for posterity. If the jig is up, and you have what you need, then no need to wait. Use a baby monitor. This is the cheap, low-tech way of listening in. Of course, if there are no babies in your life at the moment, this can be a bit tricky, but you can get around that.

Get a basic baby monitor, a can of spray paint that will blend with where you will put the transmitter, and a roll of matching masking tape in case the transmitter has blinking LEDs on it. Cover up the microphone hole before you paint so you don't gum up the works, and don't over-paint.

You don't want that thing to be stinking up the house. Go to the room where you think she'll be making throaty sounds with her licentious Lothario, and cache the transmitter in a discrete location where she's unlikely to look. Behind some books, or the couch, or if you're really hapless, somewhere in the bedroom or bath. Power it up, and put a portable radio in the room turned down to about human-whisper-and-giggle level. Go into your man cave, and turn on the receiver.

Can you hear the radio? If so, you're ready to go. If not, make adjustments until you can hear the transmitter signal clearly.

When that phone call comes, and she says "I have to get this Go to your room, turn on the monitor, power up your recorder phone, tape, whatever you've got , and listen to what happens next. Should you hear what you fear, call her a taxi, and send Ruby Roundheels on a one-way ticket to town. Of course, if you hear "Okay, I'll have that report by tomorrow, boss, and I You're going to be in hot water. Record digitally with a digital recorder. There is a range of digital records, from pens, or thumb drives, or even phone look-alikes that are voice activated.

That means you can just set one wherever you think your spouse may go for his or her phone fun, and when it happens, the electrical spy will spring into action, like a steel trap. Check that trap at your convenience, and good luck! Break all trust and spy on your honey's personal communications. Direct access of your cheating cherie's phone can reveal a lot—especially texts and tweets.

Her close friends will be quite frank with advice and what they think. You may find the texts that are sent give you more insight than the ones received. A regular check will give you an idea of how things are progressing. Watch out for the use of false names so that if an incoming message arrives at an awkward moment, the false name gives nothing away. Another way he'll schedule snogging sessions with that woman is to send send her emails or chat online.

What if every email or conversation that your spouse sends online got mailed to you to read? Software called remote spy software records all of his or her emails, chats, instant messages, web sites visited and keystrokes and then automatically copies this recorded information to your email address. Unless your spouse is very careful, you can also pop onto his or her computer or phone when he or she is not around, and look at history, recent applications, and other breadcrumbs to follow the trail of the philandering fink.

Maybe a little email planning for the next rendezvous with romance, or some online hot chat logs. The lout who is having the affair will quickly try to prevent you seeing emails through the use of passwords and saving the emails under different file names.

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To gain access initially, you may try using his typical passwords as a starting point. If that doesn't work, a Google search will easily find specialized software that can hack passwords. Use any tools at your disposal. You can get help from inanimate objects——they never speak! For instance, there are hidden cameras available in shapes unimaginable!

They are so discreet that even you will not be able to make out that a state-of-the-art camera lies within. Hidden spy cameras range from wall clocks to houseplants to table lamps. Install a GPS device. Track where your wayward wife has been lately by using a GPS device. It will show you where she's taken the car, and for how long she stays. Next time she says "I'm working late, honey," you can say "Wow, Motel 9 must love you!

A cheap free alternative to GPS tracking is to simply record mileage before and after work. Does this square with the distance your spouse is traveling between work and home? Differences on the odometer can lead to targeted questions which can help you find out what is or is not happening. Pay particular attention to your spouse's friends. Who is being seen the most? Who is contacted the most?

Are they your friends as well? When you meet them, keep a real alert on for bad feelings when talking to them. Don't ask direct questions of them.


You don't want to ask them to choose who to support. What people don't say is at least as useful as what people do say. If the call history is blocked, then access the details online via telephone accounts.