Spy cam software for mobile

10 Best Spy Apps for Android That Are Free

Free software can capture motion by an intruder, and alert you by emailing you a live feed or high-resolution photos. Some programs will also let you view activity remotely from another computer or your mobile phone. Below is a list of applications that will turn your laptop into a surveillance device.

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All are free and easy to configure. A free, open-source application, iSpy lets you monitor your workplace or home remotely. The software program provides several ways to notify you if it detects an intruder, including an alarm system, a recording system, and sending screengrabs to your PC or mobile phone. It automatically starts recording whenever it captures motion. Setting up iSpy is easy.

2. Yaw Cam

The software program connects with your camera and records any motion the camera captures. You can set specific areas to monitor, and configure motion capture settings for automatic recording. Have an extra webcam? Connect it to iSpy and set up a mini home security system right away!


The software is very easy to set up, and has a lot of features for a free application. The app notifies you of any intrusion by sending hi-resolution photos of the motion capture via email or a File Transfer Protocol FTP site. You can set your photo notifications with your Yahoo or Gmail email address and get instant live alerts on your mobile phone or computer.

This remote desktop application can easily turn your webcam into a spy camera. All you need to do is connect your webcam to the app and set up a connection with your Gmail, YouTube or Twitter account, for instant text, photo, or video notifications of any intrusion. This free software program supports motion capture. However, the lengthy setup may not appeal to the average user.

In addition to monitoring your webcam, the application lets you view your desktop remotely and access your computer's folders.

Don't compromise

You can view and download any folder on your PC right from your mobile phone or web browser. Vitamin D is another ideal remote monitoring software program for home and office.

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The above app turns Android device to work just like a remote spy camera and can do video and audio surveillance on an object. All you need to do is connect your webcam to the app and set up a connection with your Gmail, YouTube or Twitter account, for instant text, photo, or video notifications of any intrusion. First, you need to understand when Google takes down MHC, they take down the in-app purchases at the same time. Posted in what's new Tagged mhc , updates Leave a comment. We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites.

Once connected to your webcam, the app detects motion. Its state-of-the-art capabilities easily distinguish moving people from moving objects. It tracks and captures motion, streams it live for remote viewing, and records it for future review. You can filter out a long video capture to show only important moments. Sun, 7 Dec Tue, 9 Dec Wed, 10 Dec Responding to Google Play Message Date: Responding to Google Play Message From: The only notification I received was an email from Google play saying that you responded to my comment.

We really need your kind words to help MHC so we can re-gain user support from scratch, to support our continuous development!

Can You Spy on a Cell Phone Without Having Access to the Phone?

On Thu, May 10, at 7: This email contains important information regarding your order, please save it for future reference. Please note that the license is on a per-device basis. Then enter the following information: If you come across any issues during activation, please make sure you have typed in the correct email address and license key. Fri, 5 Dec Here is the premium upgrade info: Much to our surprise, our award winning spy camera solution Mobile Hidden Camera has been suspended on Google Play Store.

Apparently, on one hand they are saying that spying apps are prohibited on Google Play Store and thus they are suspending our Mobile Hidden Camera app, the only professional-grade spy camera solution since with over 4 million downloads and a 4. So just grab it there! You can then easily upgrade thru Paypal and activate all the features on the fly.

First, you need to understand when Google takes down MHC, they take down the in-app purchases at the same time.

Intelligent Spy Camera Software

No problem for our users though. If you ever want to re-install MHC, just shoot us an email and attach your Google Play e-receipt of your purchase. While Android L i. Whichever edition of MHC suits your taste, rest assured it works perfectly well on any previous versions, the current version, and even the next version of Android. You can see the full review on their site here.

One of the greatest features of Android 4. When you start any apps on your Android device, the system actually takes some time and effort to compile the app package to machine code so your device can understand and execute. It does this Just in Time of execution. So as you run apps on your device, it actually keeps doing these resource intensive tasks in the background and this is a major reason why people notice Android apps are a bit sluggish when compared to their iOS counterparts. So when you run apps on your device, it can skip all that and simply executes the code directly.

On the other hand it also boosts battery life because your device now does a lot less resource intensive machine code compiling. Take into considerations ART is currently a preview technology in Android 4. ART is currently a development preview feature in Android 4.

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  • Get Hidden Camera - Microsoft Store.
  • Turn Your Webcam Into a Spy Camera with These Free Apps | TurboFuture.
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  • Buy Lockscreen Spycam - Microsoft Store.

You can enable it by:. In our newly released MHC v4. We wrote about spy apps for the iPhone previously and think that it is about time to list down some for Android devices as well. These apps can be used for many legitimate reasons that have little to do with turning into James Bond and getting into fights on top of a train, chasing down bad guys and kicking their butts like Bourne, or wearing amazing disguises and using mind-blowing gadgets like Ethan Hunt.

Have someone you need to track? Like a delivery guy or a sales rep for your business? If you give them a company phone, having cell tracker on it can log down their location, where and when they have been to a place, every half hour.


A free application can turn your webcam into a surveillance camera to Some programs will also let you view activity remotely from another computer or your mobile phone. Which is the Best Free Spy Cam App for PC. If you have an Android mobile device, then you can use it for spying purposes. To do so, you will need Free Spy Camera Apps for Your Android.

Ear Spy lets you appear immersed in your music but in secret, it amplifies the sounds around you via your device microphone all the way to your earphones. Have your earphones in your ears and under your hoody, but leave your smartphone bare to pick up conversations in its surroundings. The app also has an equalizer to enhance the listening conditions of your surroundings. What spy list can be complete without a hidden camera app.

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  • Lockscreen Spycam.
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