Cheating wife underwear stains


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I think i found semen in wife's underwear

Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Herman created the topic: I thinh my wife has been sleeping with some one else. I came home early one day from work and saw her panties on the floor. I took a picture maybe someone could tell me what is on her panties.

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Reaching Equanimity replied the topic: Herman, This is a little TMI. Sure, you can physically restrict or bully her into doing what you want to do think middle ages chastity belt All you have control over is your reaction.

What you do with the information that you have. What are you going to do if is IS semen? That is the big question. Do you think that putting on the big white hat and sheriff badge - or Sherlock Holmes if you prefer - and shouting "Aha! The real culprit is We myself included seem to think that "one perfect symbol" or "proof" as we call it will somehow give us the answer.

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I dont wanna throw something away if im wrong, but if im not wrong i'll pack my things first thing in the morning. Especially since i always told her to be honest and if she did do something like that or felt the need to she'd just need to tell me and we'd talk about it. So why do you think this. You checking her underwear did not happen in a vacuum.

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You need to sit down and really think about what your gut is telling you and why. BUT I don't know what your personal insecurities are. Because if there is any chance that you are cheating or have inclinations towards it, you Could be projecting.

Feminine Discharge or Cheating?

But the heart aint really cooperating. Lets say i've caught her in a lie once before, and i had to pull that one out of her aswell. If i didnt "bluf" her into telling me, she wouldnt have told me either. If im right i guess i'm just looking for confirmation of some sort, so if all ladies on here reply with "Ew definitely not discharge"makes the step to leave a lot easier. Yep, i know what i saw if you ask me, maybe some part of me hope theres some girls reading this to either confirm my suspision or tell me that even discharge looks like that. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.


Log in or sign up in seconds. Perhaps you need to think a bit more about why you are so quick to assume that she has had sex with someone else? Most people without worries about their relationship wouldn't think that in this situation. Or maybe there are other problems in your relationship - do you have a real reason to suspect that she might be having an affair?

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Do you always worry when she goes out with her friends? Have you ever had any justification to worry?


I thinh my wife has been sleeping with some one else. that you would post this, and this alone without any other relevant info about her behaviour and cheating. Any kinds of stains in her panties are not proof of anything. This unique value was intended to be used to prevent the cheating wife underwear stains recommendation from ever being shown to you again.

If not, then maybe you need to think about your reaction - if she's never given you any reason to worry and you don't have any other problems together then it seems a bit over the top. All women have a natural discharge throughout the month.

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Some are heavier than others and it varies according to a woman's ovulation cycle. This is most likely what you are seeing and is perfectly normal. Thong underwear is also notorious for causing yeast infections and other types of bacterial infections. It wicks bacteria from the anus straight to a woman's vagina, which is a guaranteed way to get an infection.

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Yeast infections appear as thick, white discharges. I hope this puts your mind at ease.

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It is possible that she is having a discharge of some kind, it happens to alot of women. When you talk to her about it, try not to sound defensive or accusatory, this may cause a problem if you do. Just kinda let her know it worries you that something may be wrong health wise. Don't come out and accuse her of cheating, as a woman discharging is very normal. Good Luck Hope all is OK.

This Site Might Help You. Please do not judge me, I It's a woman thing, it's the normal fluids in the vagina, and due to gravity, all things fall down It sucks, I personally hate it, some women have it more than others, don't be worried either for her health or other reasons, you're thinking about this way too much My husband gets mad at me cause I have a bad habit of wearing tampons to avoid it and he likes to tell me since I read it to him!

That the "Vagina is a self-cleansing organ.. My thought is if she was having an affair, she would clean up afterward, really really good and there'd be no evidence at all if she has a brain in her head. Second, some women do naturally experience discharge throughout the month.