Ways to know your husband is cheating

How to Catch a Cheating Spouse

My husband and I have always been up and down from the beginning of our relationship, he suspected me of being unfaithful but I never have. I suspected him of having an affair with a co-worker 3 years ago and when I confronted him about it he denied it and teared up. I said ok and never asked him again but I always have this nagging feeling every time I think about it.

Lately my husband has been distant. All I am to him is a cook, maid, and occasional wife. We have 2 kids together and he rarely helps me out with them. Mine is cheating — tell me thing to do, keep me slaved, occupied. So he is free to do his things. Hello, my boyfriend acted just same as your husband: Lately i found out he was cheating on me for the last 10 month. I think my husband is cheating… found he purchased two movie tickets, then went out to a bar and stayed at a hotel weeks ago. However I know he was supposed to be meeting up with a friend to check out his finished basement and hangout out.

I confronted him and he stuck with the story that he was still with his buddy and went to the movie with a group, yet the tickets were just for two instead of just one. He works over an hour away from our home, but my gut says somethings not right. Anyone know a way to access iCloud to set up tracking on iPhone? My husband was so smooth at hiding his infidelity so I had no proof for months. But I could just feel that he was lying about cheating! I trusted my gut instincts, and I was right.

I have been married for over 11 years now, and I think my husband is lying about cheating. Especially about something as personal as cheating. I have been married for 21years and have 2 teenage children when they were toddler I found out my husband had been going to massage parlour,brothels and internet cafes to watch porn,we had been married for 7 years at the time and had massive blowouts because of it yet he claimed he never paid he only went in a room one on one with a girl ,talked about services and price then would say he forgot his wallet for a reason to leave..

He did this for 5 years and claims it was just a cheap thrill. I then found out he went to a dating agency wanting to meet women who only wanted to hook up no strings attached but that went out the window because of the huge cost involved and I would notice. After a period of time we started to put our lives back together or so I thought. I have since found out that he done it for a further 11 years and is still claiming he has never paid for a happy ending and cut the porn down to once a month.

How can any man do something like that for 16 years and never end up paying. He works, but in off time plays video games. These video games have mod sites that add on features, or scenes, and adult mods that grown men dress up their virtual barbies is what I call them. Will do for them, but not for me. Changes the rules of our marriage or he justifies his crap. Caught my husband lying so many times after I found evidence to confront him with.

He also turns everything around on me. The 1st two years of our marriage was attacked by his ex-wife he was divorced from over 5 years her father sued my husband, but decided to wait until 2 weeks after we got married, and not within the 5 years he was divorced. So I did soooo much court case work for him, and was a strain on our marriage from the beginning. My husband claims that everything I do for him is my own decision. I waited over 20 years to marry a 2nd time. I deprived myself of having things, just so my husband can have things.

Debts that I did not agree to and tried to make money. And many men will not cleave to their wives over their mommies, which makes it hard on the wife as surely she will never please the MIL. That goes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, marriages and so on. And my MIL constantly pushes church on him, and me. When it comes down too it, HE IS the one with the problem!

This was good for me to write, vent, and set in my heart to heal. Not true my husband has lied to my face and I have proof. My sister text me one morning and asked of my husband was still home, I told her he had just left for work glowing after an amazing morning of love making. Well she screenshot a text he accidentally sent to her at 2: I recently suspected my boyfriend of there being someone else.

My gut tells me its either a friend and texting emotional cheating or maybe someone online. I asked him about it he denied it. Not fighting or defensive. When I asked if I could see his phone to prove me wrong, he said no. He is very strong in all his beliefs in life and after an episode during his marriage, he now feels very strongly about not doing that.

He told me there is no one, he loves me and every thought and plan for the future is with me. That he wants to spend his life with me. It was a long and emotional conversation. A lot of good things came out of it. He has not changed his appearance, there is no change in our relationship, we have fun together. That confrontation was 2 days ago. Yesterday he texted with me all day.

All about our feelings for each other which is difficult for him to do. Last night we had a great night. Not only did he use his phone in front of me, when he received texts he told me who they were from. And he left the room multiple times leaving me alone in the other room with his phone.

My boyfriend did same thing and when i confront him he denied everything and few days was extremely nice to me, i got a lot of his attention and he left his phone around me and leave as well. He was playing in honest guy but reality he blocked her number for a while to keep fooling me about. What do you think — is his text message enough evidence that he is having an affair? I probably be equally concerned about my husband breaking my nose. Regardless of whether or not cheating… What do you think about him assaulting you like that? What would you tell someone in your position?

What would you tell your kid, or a best friend you had when you were young, or your sister? What advice would you give? Not that u are but I feel when people hear my situation they pity me and that is not at all what I want in any way. Because I am a very strong willed woman and mother who has over come a lot of challenges and obstacles in my life and intended to keep trying until I can get through this one as well. For instance my mother was a single mom of five children so at 16 I was made to marry a 27 year old man so that she could get help financially to pay bills and take care of my other siblings..

Unlike when I get abused I can go on and act like it never happened. They have no support and no place to go to.. I can relate to you on here my husband bought a new phone and left his old phone here. I have a three-year-old and told him I had postpartum depression. Ive been married for 12 years. He had his birthday in November, and went out for dinner with a few work mates. He was first telling me he had gone home on the train to the Navy accommodation block. Then caught the train back in the morning to meet up for breakfast. After questioning him some more, he admitted he had stayed there the weekend in November.

He was still referring to her as someone till I again questioned him. I was then told her name was Judy. His story was still changing. He told me he asked her if he could stay, but quickly changed that to she asked him. He says nothing happened and he slept on the couch. I feel he had a one night stand, as he got all defensive when I questioned him, even asked me hed I had been having an affair, so put it back on me. I found out in October my husband was talking to another woman for 5 months.

He said he was only talking to her notjing happened. I had to meet the other woman to get the truth in December and find out they had a realtionship. How can you talk to your husband about your feelings without getting into a fight? Come to find out they work together. What if I was told by a girl he cheated, then I found a message from him to that girls friend saying he wanted her.

My gut and the message proves he did but he denies it. I feel like my husband is hiding something. I found out in Sept that my husband was having an affair for 2 or 3 months. He did all of the usual crappy stuff like lying and sneaking around and sleeping with his phone. He admitted to the affair. He said it was a girl he went to nursing school with a few years before and he saw her at a store where they began talking.

They hooked up in hotel rooms while I thought he was at work. He even had the gall to answer some of my texts while he was laying in the hotel bed with her. He told me so. She was 20 years younger than m3. I find it incredibly odd that she just happened to move away right at the time I found out about the affair. I asked what her name was but he refused to tell me. After constant demanding from me via text while he was at work.

We are trying to work things out but my doubts about this are eating me up. What do yall think? I am so sorry!

6 Signs Your Spouse Is Having An Affair

My husband is also lying about cheating and I found him on the craiglist!! I believe he is cheating. I have lived it. My husband and I have been going through this for years with stupid messaging relationships and I always get tired of fighting and forgive him but it never stops it from happening again. He cheated on me when I was carrying our son but I married him anyway. Wish I had left after the first time…. These are good ways to find out if your husband is lying about cheating.

But since nowadays everyone has mobile phones, and you can just install a program for tracking his phone. Even if he deletes all of the correspondence you will see everything. The only reason he is still with me is for our kids. I think that is also why I stay quiet and let it happen. I afraid I have lived with him since I was 18 years I am now He hates when I have to go help my mom and says really stupid things. You are worth so much more….

I wish you all the strength in the world.. Ellie thank you so much for your kind words. I have spoke to him and told him the things that bother me and he has been better attentive. What tracking program would you recommend to find out if your husband is lying about cheating? Talk to someone you trust.

Get in-person advice and counseling. Talk to someone who knows you, or who is objective such as a counselor or therapist. Know that you can handle this! Whether or not your husband is cheating, you have the resources and strength you need to deal with it. Connect with women who are strong and understanding, and find ways to get emotionally and spiritually strong. Find pockets of life and light, and stay there. Be wise, and trust that you are loved completely by Someone bigger and stronger than your husband. Great info here Laurie. I like the 5 points how to know if your spouse is cheating.

You should have a base expression of your spouse when the two of you are chatting together casual. Then if you want to know if your spouse is lying you can use that base expression when asking questions. In this way you have a way to check if your spouse is lying or telling the truth. He took that picture on the restroom and sent it to her there was no other emails to her anymore just that picture.. I go over his friends on Facebook and because of her name and phone on Facebook I find out it was a high school friend who is married and has a little girl..

I confronted him again he said they where just talking but he deleted all the messages.. I have found more messages from different girls on his social media he said there is nothing wrong in talking to girls but he deletes Athens messages if there is nothing wrong why delete them right.. I have deleted several girls from his Facebook but thereshe this one that he always request back his Facebook account was deactivatedoing for some time first thing he does is request that girl again and he hids it from his timeline.. Lucky me I ran across your website by accident stumbleupon. I have book marked it for later!

But I did find a really interesting book about men who cheat, and I wrote this article:. There are some really interesting tips and ideas for how to know if your husband is cheating in the book I cite. The best thing is to get evidence, so you have something solid to confront him with. Hi, my husband and I have been married for a little over a year. We had seperated in September until November Long story short he left me 3 hours away from home and went back home, after he realized he screwed up he called crying.

Fast forward to April , I had recieved a phone call from a private number at maybe am from a female stating she had been screwing my husband. Well I broke it to her that I had just screwed him and it upset her so she hung up. Well he falls asleep and I went through his phone and found somethings from a female he said was like a sister.

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It crushed me and sent me into a very bad depression not only was my husband cheating but I had also found out 2 weeks prior that a good friend had been murdered. My world was shattered. Well I broke it to him that if we are going to work he cannot hurt me anymore because if he does I will walk out and he can never get me back.

Well fast forward to about 2 months ago. His job was hiring and I had a friend whom I had worked with previously looking for a job. She started work and it was all good except he started to care a lot more about his apperence. Wearing jeans, nice shirt, nice shoes and doing more to his hair. He has a very chill job and usually wore sweats well Up until 3 weeks ago. He started to change, being very mean, being out late, changing his phones password, blocking me.

All different types of things.

They had been texting, talking on Facebook and God only knows what at work. Well I began to ask questions and my husband kept saying I was crazy and how I was always accusing him but I have always been right about him. So I blocked her and him and I fought. When I questioned it he flipped on me. He then sent her text messages that he deleted before I saw them. Is my husband cheating? What should I do? Your instincts are dead on. You need to confront your friend and end the friendship with her as well.

If you cant work it out with your husband divorce is a great option. Based on the information you have posted here ,your husband is a serial cheater. Men like to make u think that you are the crazyone but you are intuitive and intelligent enough to see what is going on.

It is up to you to love your self ,not lower your standards and find youa good man that will treat you like a queen. If you want to know if your husband is lying about cheating. My cousin lived with us for one year as house helper, after few months i suspected something between my husband and my cousin, like they sometimes look for each other without telling me the reason, one time we were on vacation and he went home because his reason was of that our business, and one time i saw him running after her when she was about to go home, and many more,.

After a year the girl was not with us anymore. But i am confused and i doubt hes lying. My husband and I have been married two years now. Together for about seven years. Before we were officially together he treated me like no other had before. I fully explained what I expected from our relationship and the balance of friends and romance time.

We moved onwards from there, but it always felt like something was wrong. It was as if I was a chore or a roommate. It made me so confused and depressed. I did everything for him. I told myself that it would go back to the way it was. Things would be okay. Maybe it was the slowing down of drinking? One night he was on call at the local tow company he worked for and a text message came in that he slept through. I cried and cried and then cried some more. My amazing man who lifted up my spirits like nobody else could, had shattered my world with an affair. I checked his Facebook page while I was at it.

At least seven more affairs. We went to couples counseling to try to heal the wounds within our relationship. It ended up being more like his therapy sessions. I was invisible there. There was and still has been no sympathy or compassion for my broken heart. Not from him or the therapist. Thinking that I had known everything now and maybe we could be stronger, I married him.

He refuses to talk about it or even accept his own guilt. I just have to deal with it and move on.

I believe that he has tried to hook up with this girl again. He truly thinks that with his past he should be trusted and that he needs to do nothing to fix this. I wish I had known everything before we were married. I so sorry ur going through this. Like all women, we fell hook, line and sinker…They got us, but still wants to live the single life. If I was in ur shoes, I would sit down and have heart to heart talk with him.

C what he wants and what u want. Even if there are children, no children or adult should live like this…. You need to find out…. Samantha- I read your story. You had faith, it was broken. You gave him the benefit of the doubt, that was thrown in your face. Are you waiting for a sex tape to arrive at your house?

5 Signs of Cheating Husbands

You seem like a kind trusting person. You would not do those things to him! Trust me, there is a man for you. Move on and leave him behind. I am in a VERY similar situation: I thought we were so perfect together, he was my safe place and my best friend. About a month before our 1 year anniversary I caught him lying about something.

I was so deviated. In that moment in felt like the man I had loved had just died.. I still feel like this is cheating either way. But my trust for him is gone, and so is the beautiful relationship I thought we had. Are you going to stay with your husband? My story is a little different. A married man took advantage of me 3 year ago.

It started as normal as can be. We both live in the same building. I live for 39 he 23 years. I first saw him 20 plus years, never spoken to each other. Then about 4 years ago, I was telling a joke to my other neighbors and there he was laughing…I introduced myself to him.

There is and was nothing going on between us but a friendship…well I thought. We spent many hours talking and spare life stories. Little did I know, he was waiting for the right moment to assault me. U see I kind of know his wife, and went to high school with his sis-in-law. I could walk away from this and just take it a misunderstanding..

He is chronic liar and a cheater. I always ask him to take a test..

33 Sure Signs Your Husband Is Cheating

I waiting and waiting until Feb 21, I told his wife. His wife called me a liar and everything on the book. He was force to tell his wife and the polices his affairs, his one nightstands and what he did to me…After all this, do I regret telling his wife…NO. First, I wanted to put him and every man like him in his place. And second I wanted to hurt him and if it means going through his wife, then YES.

Half of my neighbors have known he was cheating for years. I in therapy…As far as I know the wife still with him, knowing he cheats. He takes care of her by paying her rent and etc. There are women out there like his wife who are blind and stupid…I was stupid for 3 years,,,where his wife over 23 years…why she and other stay is the answer I would like to know…. I was also taken advantage of when I was in a VERY vulnerable position, just experienced a lot of major trauma, huge losses my entire family , he hurt my grown son, etc.

I was devastated from losing my whole family! He got VERY ugly, snapped, etc. It was at a horrendous time too when Is just been dealt another loss! How cruel I thought! I was doubled over in severe emotional paun, crying out to God! Sweet Pea, It gives me some comfort knowing I not alone. He is not a nice man. It was all his fault. I come from a difference race. But I prove him wrong. And if hurting him means going through his wife I will…. My husband has been working for the past month from Sunday to Sunday.

For the first time he stayed out the whole night and lied where he were. We have a three year old daughter together. I prayed with someone else where two or more are together Jesus is in the midst. She was mad and threatening to tell me. I that affair started when I was pregnant and I found out when our son was 15 months old. Such a smart response. I have prayed that too and God has revealed it when it needed to be, every time! You are absolutely right! I to prayed That The Lord would reveal to me what I needed to know!

I found the texts and my world collapsed! Out of all the nights to check and all of the times he deleted texts before coming home, this one night, he forgot. Everytime he goes to visit them. I confronted him n he denied saying she meant before I came into his life. Some months passed and one day she called saying she was pregnant again…he became moody. He took me outside on a stroll…we talked and he said he was sorry about wat he had to tell me. He told me that when he went there he drank with her and her friend…n became drunk. This took him months to tell me. I feel he lied about everything.

Nothing against you more against them. Yes he made the whole story up. Tell her the story he told you and it will piss her off and she will tell everything. My husband was texting a female at work all night, I asked who the woman was and he said it was an older woman from another line he works in a large assembly plant.

I asked to see the text and he deleted them. So, I called the number and it was a female his age. Come to find out this lady had left her husband a few yrs ago for another man at the plant and he works the opposite shift as them. She was also pentecostal and stopped wearing skirts, started wearing make up and cut her hair. I called her and acted like he was sitting there, she tells me they are just really good friends and that she was telling him she was done meaning done being friends with him.

She also said they met up at a parking lot where a lot of people go to hang out and drink after work at around 2 or 3 am when they get off work. She swore nothing sexual but all she cared about was her boyfriend who works the other shift and was very defensive. I told him no and that if he talks to her without me around I was leaving, I said you have the entire weekend to call her with me sitting right here. I just felt like that if he was really that mad he would have called her.

9 Ways to Know if Your Husband is Lying About Cheating

My husband went away on business the same weekend i took our daughters on a shopping trip, but my gut told me different. He has a history of lying to me but thought he had stopped. I found strange underware but we all joked it off. He geta defensive when I ask small questions. Coverststions are less, sex gas gone from 2 times a day to, once every 3 months. No hand holding no romance pretty much nothing!!! He owns his own business and ends his day at the same place before coming everyday another womans business.

I have confronted him several times, showed up there once that was a bad idea he got so upset. He gets very defensive when i bring anything up. I have seen flirtations in emails to and from other women that he denies. I tell him I love him. I do little special things for him. Not to walk away thinking what if i was wrong, did I just give up. There are a lot of financial issues as well that could be keeping him here I think thats the only glue.

Please help by telling me what you think! I waited 30 years,same shit,now go running. Why are you wasting what is left of your youth on a man who is interested in other women? You will find another man, someone who wants only you. You know it and he knows you know it. You are worth so much more than this!!! You can do it. Vickie, you already know honey.

Infidelity: What to Look For, What to Do

He is treating you disrespectably. At this point, anything you endure is your own fault. I know that sounds harsh, but you know better. Your belly is screaming at you. That means leaving him and not allowing it. If you have children, you do not want to show them this as an acceptable way to treat people, or allow yourself to be treated. You are worth more. That means act as if, fake it til you make it. Once you get through that you will feel good and be empowered. I sat it all the time, but remember this.

Have a backbone and stand up for yourself, starting now. He suddenly becomes angry. Is he showing anger and volatility that he never had before? That could be his guilt turned outward toward you. The first sign I got was when he told me I was antagonizing him by leaving the ironing board up after pressing his shirts. He said I was purposefully trying to piss him off because he thought I resented ironing. We went to counseling. He has new moves in the bedroom. Those were my exact words after he did something a little different during sex.

I kept asking him why he wanted me to do that, but now I know it was because one of the women he had sex with must have had a Brazilian.

How does this work?

So, the first step is always to determine the unbiased, objective truth. Your best approach here is to pay attention and be curious. After year abd a half of our relationship i got pregnant and he offer to move in in his house. Hello, my boyfriend acted just same as your husband: He said he was only talking to her notjing happened. He stops inviting you out to business events.

Going through heartbreak was bad enough without an itchy regrowth reminder of his betrayal. He starts to drink, smoke, and avoid you. Aside from the other women, has he picked up any bad habits? That guilt issue may seep out in self-destructive habits. In those last two years, my ex and I were both over-consuming alcohol, but it fueled his anger and it numbed my pain. Not a good combination, as it led to arguments, accusations and hangovers.

I believe his over-consumption stemmed from his guilt, or his deep desire to leave me but his inability to tell me. Be aware if you notice an uptake in smoking, drinking, gambling, and even spending. In the beginning of our marriage, he wanted to sit at the table with me and voiced appreciation that I cooked and took care of the house. Pay attention to his actions, not his words and empty promises. Some cheating husbands are very deceitful and can cover their tracks superbly. They may become more attentive in an effort to compensate for the fact that their attentions are going elsewhere.

They behave like "model" parents in an effort to alleviate their guilt. They can juggle the extra-marital relationship, while tending to the marriage in a seemingly flawless way. They may also have friends that will help them to get out of the house or provide alibis for the cheater. These are the people who are the hardest to catch, and the ones who cause the most pain when they are finally caught. If you accuse your partner and are mistaken, you risk causing unnecessary and irreparable damage to your relationship…damage that may take a lot of time to recover from.

And, even if you are correct, it's quite possible that your spouse will be able to explain his behavior in a manner that's sufficient to cause you raise reasonable doubt. And, because he is now aware that you are suspicions, he will be even more careful and more guarded, making it much more difficult for you to determine the truth.

If you become suspicious, don't treat the cheater any differently and don't interfere. Now is the time for careful observation, and not for anger. The cheater will eventually be found out, so it's important to be patient, observant, and to make note of patterns of behavior. After some patient observation you'll probably be able to provide a great deal of helpful information to a professional investigator, so that the investigator can obtain the documentation you need. The more information you have regardless of whether you think it's important or not , the greater the likelihood an investigator can determine the truth…and do it in the most cost-effective manner.

A final word of caution: If you think a spouse or partner is misbehaving while you're out of town, you may consider pretending to plan a trip out of town, in order to conduct your own surveillance and confirm your suspicions.

Signs of a Cheating Husband

You should be discouraged from doing this is because if your suspicions are confirmed, your emotions may cause you to react in a manner that is counter-productive. Emotions can make all us behave in a reactionary way, and at moments like this, it's vitally important to keep a cool head. So, if this idea still appeals to you, consider having a private investigator conduct surveillance during this time. What if you're absolutely certain your spouse IS cheating? How do you handle it? If your intention is to file for divorce if your suspicion is confirmed, then first seek the counsel of an attorney.

Find out about how to protect yourself financially, and get an understanding of the laws regarding child custody and support. If you feel you absolutely must confront the alleged cheater, make sure to do so at a time when he is not rushed or running late. You want him to have time to speak with you. Don't ask while he is driving and of course: Before you actually confront him, ask simple, non-invasive questions to get an idea of his general attitude and willingness to talk in general. You will do this for the same reason that a person operating a polygraph machine might: