Mobile monitor app

Android Monitoring App

GPS tracker - your child's current location is recorded and saved in 30 minute intervals to the location.

What's new

Photo - you will see all Photo that your partner take photo. Application Installed - you will see all Appplication was installed that your partner install. Category Category Communications Subcategory Chat.

How to Monitor your Kids or Employee Phone without knowing them

You are logged in as. Please submit your review for Mobile Monitor. Thank You for Submitting Your Review,! Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Mobile Spy is the next generation of smartphone monitoring software. Do you worry your child or employee is abusing their smartphone or Internet privileges? Our software can help you keep them on the right track.


Download Mobile Monitor apk and all version history for Android. Mobile Monitor app allows "parrent" to monitor mobile their "Child". Application Installed - you will see all Appplication was installed that your partner install. Keywords: mobile monitor, phone monitor, tracking.

First, notify your child or employee they will be monitored. Then install the tamper-proof app directly onto the compatible smartphone you own and wish to monitor. Device notifications and a tamper-proof icon can remind your child that they are being monitored. These can be turned off if your child monitoring requires more discretion. The program inserts logs of activities into your online account.

You can login to your account from any web browser to view logs. To view the results, simply login to your secure account using any computer or mobile web browser. Logs are displayed by categories and sorted for easy browsing.

Windows Mobile Monitor Free Download

Mobile Spy does not rely on the phone's call and message database to log activities. So even if your child or employee tries to delete their usage histories, the information will still be retained and inserted to your account. The system is compatible with most models of Android smartphones and tablets. Mobile Spy constantly updates the software so that it contains the latest features as requested by our loyal customers.

Publisher Description

Many of our features cannot be found anywhere else. Check out a summary of Mobile Spy's features below. The only way to find her was by tracking the SMS with your software. The police were able to catch her with the messages.

Program Details

We would not have caught her as fast as we did without Mobile Spy. I am trying to prevent pornography from getting to my child's phone. Thank you very much and you can count on my support and references on your other products, which by the way, are more stable and generally work better than those of your competitors.

Mobile Tracker

When you're ready to start monitoring your child or employee's smartphone or tablet, you will be relieved to know that Mobile Spy is very easy to set up. Being the first ever software to monitor iPhone, iPad and Android devices, Mobile Spy sets the global standard. What makes us stand above is the online technical support, the LIVE Control Panel and the years of research and improvement of the cell phone monitoring app itself.

The best monitoring solution

Mobile Spy has gained major media attention from dozens of television stations, magazines and websites all over the world. Keep reading for the main reasons why you should choose Mobile Spy. Accessible from any PC or phone web browser connected to the internet. This high-tech monitoring software will allow you to see exactly what they do while you are away. Are your kids texting while they're driving or using the phone in all hours of the night? Are your employees sending company property to competitors? Do they erase their phone logs? That won't matter because the software instantly saves the information before erasing is possible.

Unlike anything ever seen in the mobile monitoring software industry , this innovation allows you to securely perform LIVE monitoring and control on your smartphone from anywhere. If you choose to purchase our premium plan, you can view the device's screen like a television along with a map of the current location instantly.

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Need the ability to have logs sent to your email? Our add-on allows you to do exactly that. You can have selected logs sent at any interval you choose, such as hourly or daily.

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Included in the premium plan is the ability to instantly email your logs to your address within the LIVE Control Panel. When you purchase Mobile Spy you can rest assured knowing you will receive a top-of-the-line software product, service and support. Here's what's included for the length of your subscription:.

We invite you to put Mobile Spy to the test today.